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There have been many praises as well as criticisms against both the on the rights of the child child. However, many writers are of the view that the African charter unnecessary duplication of the convention. differences and similarities between the UN convention on the rights of the child, and the African children's charter. The right treaties internationally and on the African continent, and argues that the adoption of the African call for regional arrangements for the protection therefore not an unnecessary duplication of the UN convention 1. BACKGROUND: INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S RIGHTS In 1924 the League of Nations (now United Nations) endorsed the first the Rights of the Child, (also known as the Geneva Declaration) with claims to save and protect the 'delinquent and the waif' (Jones, 2005). The document is regarded as th instrument that deals specifically with children's in need of protection, rather than individuals with personal rights (Gal, 2006). For exam.

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First International Conference on Behavioural and Social Science Research (ICBSSR 2012)

Abstract In the global instruments, the rights of the child are so important because of its relevance to children life. The present paper attempts to determine the development and progress of the human rights instruments in international law regarding the rights of the child, as well as processes and standards existing in the instruments of international law to protect children. These processes seen as international framework for development of the human rights instruments related to children's rights which provided the analysis of the rights of the child and its properties. In the present study, the development of the global human rights instruments on the rights of the child are made between different instruments in international law because these instruments can be adapted to cultural and social situations in all States, increasing its ease of implementation. The result reflects an exhaustive and efficient way to explore the status of the children's rights and the enormous improvements in the rights of the child in global human rights instruments. Keywords: Human rights; children’s rights; global instruments; international law; historical and legal framework

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The International Journal of Children's Rights